We minimise our waste and reuse as much as possible.

We recycle plastics, polythene, glass, paper, cardboard and metal. Any waste which cannot be recycled we compact before disposing of. Unsaleable items are given to local charities.

We minimise our energy
and water usage,

many of our lights are on timed sensors and we use a timed irrigation system for watering.

We fully assess the
environmental impact

of any services or processes we use or are intending to use.

All of our garden furniture,

landscaping timber products, garden tools and wild bird products are from managed forests with the majority of suppliers being FSC registered.

We offer a range of products

that are environmentally friendly and provide information about them to enable our customers to make informed choices.

Our restaurant uses recyclable

take away packaging and straws and their glass bottles are recycled for the Charity EACH.

We support local suppliers
wherever possible,

especially in our restaurant.

We aim to educate our

on the benefits of peat-free compost and encourage them to buy peat-free whenever possible.

We promote plants
and other products

which have associated environmental benefits and provide information relating to these products.

The majority of our plants

are British grown, many locally, reducing the impact on the environment from transportation.

Many of our plant suppliers

are decreasing their use of peat and artificial chemicals.

Wherever possible we support schools and local initiatives,

particularly those which involve outdoor activities. Charity collections and informative service.

We are always looking
to expand

our Fairtrade products.